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Nagoya's Premiere Multicultural Original Works Theatre Company (scroll down for English) KPBシアターは、感動を与える様々な英語公演を地域にもたらすことが私達の使命であると考えています。大規模のミュージカルから小劇場での公演まで、創造性豊かな公演を通じて、様々な文化を体験できる刺激的な”旅”へと観客の皆様をお連れすることに生きがいを感じています。 演劇という芸術分野で新たな境界線に近づこうとしている私達の決意は、常に進化し、新しいアイデアを探求し続け、独創的なオリジナル作品を創造することを意味しています。英語演劇は、舞台上演・ワークショップ・クラスなど様々な場面で、人々を楽しませると同時に教育として活用できると確信しています。 KPBシアターはインスパイア(ひらめき)を目標(アスパイア)としています! KPB Theatre's mission is to bring inspirational English performances to our diverse community. From large scale musicals to small black box projects, we strive to take you on exciting journeys with creative English theatre. Our determination to push new boundaries with the arts means we are constantly evolving and looking for fresh ideas to be original and inventive. Be it on the stage, workshops or in the classroom, we believe that English theatre can be both entertaining and educational. At KPB Theatre, we aspire to inspire!
KPB Theatre - Gerry in the Attic - Official Trailer

KPB Theatre - Gerry in the Attic - Official Trailer

A sneak peak into the making of Gerry in the Attic - An Original musical. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES...(English below) イギリス郊外にあるメドウラーク老人ホームの住人は、亡きジェリーの遺灰を彼の望んでいた場所へ収めようと企てます。ジェリーへの愛情と自分たちにはもう失うものは無いという強さを武器に、ジェリーの最期の望みを叶えるべく老人ホームから外の世界へと飛び出す住人達。自分の可能性を信じた彼らの逃走劇の先には…。Think of possibilities! この11月は彼らと一緒に冒険へ出ませんか? Set in the English countryside, the residents of the Meadowlark Retirement Home plot to take their beloved Gerry, recently deceased, to his proper resting place. Armed with the love for a friend and the desperation of having nothing left to lose, the elderly residents defy age and take on the challenges of the outside world to see that Gerry gets his last wish. A classic musical tale of "catch me if you can" as the residents of Meadowlark rally their youth one last time in service of an old friend! Follow them on this grand musical adventure this November. Just "Think of the Possibilities!" SHOW DATES & SHOWTIMES 2018 November (11月) 17th 13:00 & 18:00 18th 13:00 & 18:00 23rd 18:00 24th 13:00 & 18:00 25th 13:00 & 17:00 Ticket PIA code - 486-039 TICKET PRICEチケットの金額 Advance Student - 2,000 yen Advance Adult - 3,000 yen Door Ticket - 4,000 yen Doors will open 30 minutes before show time. Seats are non reserved. This is a musical that is suitable for the family, but we only allow children who are 6 years old or above. Ticket PIA code - 486-039 CHILDCARE We have teamed up with "Kikko English School" to provide a childcare service at the theatre for all shows so you can enjoy Gerry in the Attic. This will be available only for those that reserve and is limited to certain shows. Please enquire by e-mail for more information. PLACE 劇場 Chikusa Playhouse (Link to Google maps below) 千種文化小劇場, 名古屋 TRAIN ACCESS 列車情報 Train access is available from either Imaike Station (Higashiyama, Sakuradori lines) or Fukiage (Sakuradori line) PARKING 駐車場 There is limited (15 spaces) coin parking at the theatre and coin parking available in the surrounding area.



Rehearsal Times


Sunday 9:00am-10:00pm



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We operate out of Nagoya, Japan.  Please contact us by going to the contacts page or sign up to our newsletter.


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© 2018 by KPB Theatre

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