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Show Dates & Times : 

November 2017


24th  18:30

25th  13:00  18:00

26th  13:00  17:30

Doors open 30 minutes before showtime.


Six university friends and two of their former professors get together a decade later for an unforgettable weekend. 
Memories and confusion from the past combine with existential imbalances from the present resulting in a mad and maddening weekend for all, including an intruder.

The drinking starts early and so does the squabbling as the true natures, (and true troubles) come out. The men become transfixed by Zidane’s famous headbutt of Materazzi, and as the gender battles begin it becomes increasingly clear that every single member of this group of friends will lose it (at least once) over the course of the party weekend, culminating at the end of the party when everything and everybody come unglued.

“Unglued” is a three act drama set in the current U.S.A. exploring relationships both secret and known and the boundaries we set for friendships and those we don’t.


日本語字幕付き英語劇  2017 11月24,25,26日

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